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Tuesday, December 24, 2019

How Videos Work ? How do we watch Movies ?

December 24, 2019
How Videos Work ? How do we watch Movies ?

                              Ans: A video is nothing but a collection of images which are displayed to our eyes continuously with a very short time interval between them. let us see what do we mean by it.

                 when we look at any object, its image is made on rating of human eyes. These images do not get removed from the retina even after removing the object from in front of the eyes.
                  Due to the same attributes of the eye. the video is produced. Continuous photos are flashed so fast that the effect of the picture is not completely eradicated and this happens so fast that it becomes difficult for us to understand these pictures separately and their mixed effect gives us an impression of being dynamic (Video).              

Monday, December 23, 2019

What is X-Ray ?

December 23, 2019
What is X-Ray ?

                          X-Rays are a from of electromagnetic radiation, as a is visible light, but with some different characteristics.
            The important characteristic of X-Rays is that these can penetrate or pass through the human body but cannot pass through bones, hard items like bullets etc. This effect produces shadow-like images of structures such as bones, bullets etc. on a photographic plate. This helps to understand the inner details of body such as presence of foreign hard  (bullets etc.) or any fracture in the bones.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

How does Thermometer Works?

February 06, 2019
How does Thermometer Works? 
Answer : 
            Thermometer works on the principle of Thermal Expansion. All metals expand with increase in temperature &vice versa i.e. decrease in size with decrease in temperature. 
           In a common thermometer as shown in figure above, in the bottom small bulb, Mercury ( a metal ) is kept. It is worth mentioning hat mercury is unique in the sense that 
i. it is the only metal which is a liquid at room temperature & 
ii. it coefficient of thermal expansion is pretty high i.e it the change in volume ( or length of a fix area liquid column is very large).
                This mercury rise up and down in the thermometer tube with increase & decrease in temperature . The tube is marked with temperature readings and can be read directly.

How do we define 1*C temperature- 
                       its simple As a convention it is assumed that the pure water boils at 100*C & gets converted into ice at 0*C.
                       The thermometer is kept in a boiling water. This gives us the mark of 100* C. Again, the thermometer is kept in an ice-water mixture. This gives us the 0*C mark.
                       The intermediate length between these 2 marks is divided into 100 parts. Each partitions corresponds to 1*C temp rise or decrease.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

How Coal and Petroleum is formed?

January 27, 2019
How Coal and Petroleum is formed?
 Answer : 
               Coal and petroleum have been formed from remains of dead animals and plants which has been subjected to various biological and geological process over millions of years.
Coal is the remains of trees, ferns and other plants that lived millions of years ago while oil is the remains of millions of tiny plants and animals that lived earthquakes or volcanic eruptions. They were pressed down under the layer of earth and rock and slowly decayed into the coal under the high temperature and pressure. 

Thursday, January 24, 2019

What's the difference between LCD and LED TV?

January 24, 2019
What's the difference between LCD and LED TV? 
  Answer : 
              The only difference between the two is how the light is generated at the back of the screen. Let us see what this exactly means.
How an LCD Television Works 
LCD television Screens are made up of a liquid-crystal gel sandwiched between two panes of polarized glass When yo power on the television, the electric current passes through the liquid-crystal display, altering  its structure. The liquid-crystal molecules coil and uncoil. The creates a shuttering effect, whereby light is either allowed to pass through or not. This variation in light and dark on the screen, is what the viewer perceives as images.
Unlike plasma TVs, the liquid- crystal does not create its own light. It requires another light light source. In the case of LCD TVs, the screen is lit by fluorescent tubes.
How an LED Television Works 
An LED TV is just a new generation of LCD TV. The difference is that an LED TV is not lit using fluorescent tubes,but rather a series of light emitting diodes (LEDs).There are tree basic types of LED televisions, ans each has its own specific format.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Computer : How does it work?

January 22, 2019
Computer : How does it work?
  Answer : 
             A computer is an electronic machine that processes information , it takes in raw information (or data), stores it unit its ready to work on it, chews and crunches it for a bit, then spits out the results at the other end. All these processes have a name. Taking in information is called input , storing information is batter known as memory (or storage), chewing information is also known as processing, and spitting out results is called output.

InputYour keyboard and mouse, for example, are just input units-ways of getting information into your computer that it can process.
Memory/Storage : Your computer storage all documents and files on a hard-drive: a huge magnetic memory.
Processing : Your computer's processor (sometimes known as the Central Processing Unit) is a microchip buried deep inside. it
Output : Desktop (monitor), printer etc.are the output tools through which we get the information out.
An O.S & a computer Program (software)-
  A computer program or software is line of code that tells computer how to identify the data, process it and get the final output in the form of a mathematical solution of GUI display. 
There is something called Operating System (O.S) e.g. Linux, Windows 10 which does this task. All other software interact with O.S. only to carry out different functionalities.

Do you know : Why electric wires are made up of copper ?

January 22, 2019
Do you know : Why electric wires are made up of copper ? 
 Answer : 
            Copper is good conductor of electricity which is the time requirement. At the same time it is also highly ductile . can be easily drawn into wires. copper is readily available and is also cheap. That is why electric wires are made up or copper.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Oil fire cannot be extinguish with water. Why?

January 21, 2019
Oil fire cannot be extinguish with water. Why?
 Answer : 
          Since the specific gravity of oil is less than water, it vats over water. As a result, water will not put out oil fires once the burning oil will float on top of the water and read.

           Rowing sand, table salt, or banking soda on the flames will distinguish them. Also a damp towel spread over the fire will col nd smother it but all the water must be wrung out. 

When do things catch fire ? What is fire actually ?

January 21, 2019
When do things catch fire ? What is fire actually ? 
 Answer : 
              There is something called ignition Temperature. monition 
temperature is the minimum temperature at which things catch fire and also they can maintain a continuous time.
              when the temperature of a body reaches this temperature, even it starts burning. The ignition temperature of common catch sticks is 600-800 degree C.
 Sow what is fire?  
              Fire actually nothing but reaction of any material with oxygen. In this reaction, Carbon present in the material gets converted into CO2 and energy is released .
released energy is the cause of heat.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Bicycle frames are made of hollow pipes. why?

January 20, 2019
Bicycle frames are made of hollow pipes. why? 
 Answer : 
               A tube is more efficient than a solid in terms of length to weight ratio. So, bicycles frames are made of hollow pipe to get the maximum strength while keeping the weight to a minimum
               However, if you ignore the weight benefit of a tube, the solid feel is stronger of the same diameter.