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Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Who invented the internet ? How does the internet works ?

Who invented the internet ? How does the internet works ?
Ans : 
          This is the age of the Internet.
Internet has practically revolutionized
each and every facade of human life.
But, how exactly internet works!
let us try to understand the science behind
        To start with Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn are credited with the invention of the Internet.

How Internet works-
                Each computer connected to the internet is part of a global network in which every computer has a unique address. Internet addresses are in the from of nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn, where nnn is a number from 0 - 255.  this address is an IP (Internet Protocol ) address is known as (IP address).
         Two computers connected to the internet. Your computer with IP address and IP address
            When you connect to the internet through an internet service provider (ISP),computers are connected to each other using this IP address.
              When you type a domain name viz 
in your web browser such as google chrome, your browser sends a request for hosting web server where the files of the website are located. When connection gets established, your browser download these files from that server in the form of html files or document, as well as images or video, and renders them on to your computer screen. 
          This is how internet works. www in the domain names stands for world wide web. it acts as identifier for the web browsers.


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