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Wednesday, January 16, 2019

How does a website work ? What is web hosting ?

How does a website work ? What is web hosting ?
 Ans : 
           Like  mentioned earlier too, this is the age of Internet. Shopping , ticket booking, studies, games, services, all these are happening from the comfort your house by this miracle of modern science, Internet. But how many of you know how exactly a website work ?
            Let us take our own website is the name of website &if is called a Domain in internet terms.Website actually is a collection of document and files made up of text,graphics,colors,links etc. stored on our web hosting servers (hosting server on this we will talk soon). so, the domain name acts as identifier for any website.
       A web hosting server (e.g. is an Internet hosting service provider. It is where all the files of any domain name are stored. It allows individuals and organizations to make their website accessible via the World Wide Web.
              When you type a domain name viz. in your web browser such as google chrome, Mozilla Firefox etc. your browser sends a request for hosting web server where the files of the website are located. When connecting gets establishes, your browser downloads these files from that server in the from of html files or document, as well as images or videos, and renders them om to your computer screen. 
          Web hosts are companies that provider space on a servers owned or leased for   use by clients, as well as providing internet connectivity, typically in a data center. 
            To operate a website, only a domain name is not sufficient. One must have hosting services provider or host himself which usually is way too costly for common man. Big companies such as Google, Facebook etc. have their own servers.

                 Thanks for Visit our Blogger. 

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